Vibration Addict Soundsystem

Vibration Addict, handmade soundsystem outta Sutivanac, village located in inner Istria (Croatia), starts his soundsystem journey at the start of 2015 because of too much love towards dub music. Soundsystem is managed by single person, selector and operator Neven. He started to make his own soundsystem in 2014 from the need to feel dub music in proper way. Soon after, with the intention to share his love of dub music and promoting the soundsystem scene in his surroundings, he begins two series of events in his place called Dub inna di Brajde and Bass Kampanja.
But things grew bigger, from hobby to serious sound system business.
In 2018 he made few upgrades to the sound and has built few boxes more. Soon after that Vibration Addict gets another member,MC Disciple Mark I as a chanter. Since he started his journey he played on many festivals including Outlook, Seasplash, Forestation and other festivals and events in Croatia and international. He plays rootical steppa to digital steppa dub


since 2015

Unnamed Road, 52341, Sutivanac, Hrvatska